Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi I am back!

Hello! I am back after a long break and its been a tremendous change not just in terms of the place but also the lifestyle, work and rather every aspect of my life. I guess thats the way life is in a big city.... specially when you are in the capital of the country. Gone are the days when I used to wake up and lazily carry the paper in my lap and go through the headlines bothering least about what my next activity should be. Now the alarm is almost like a war cry for me to get ready for the fight called LIFE . And after seeing the regularity with which the terror has creeped into our lives, I guess no one is really very confident of what he or she is going to encounter on leaving the doorstep. And after the blasts that rocked this city once again, despite all the odds that we may come across in our lives at various points in time, we all need to just thank that WE ARE ALIVE and well at the end of the day ..............and maybe thats the only sign that we have probably done some good act during that day for which we have been saved and survived another day in this BIG BAD WORLD!

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