The whole world is talking about the "slumdog" from India and so naturally I can't resist writing something about it. I think we need to give the whole credit to the American director for having thought of making a movie written by an Indian, based in India and totally done in Bollywood style.After all, how many directors can we think of, from India, who can go to France and make a movie almost fully in French and win the hearts of the people with it.I don't think anyYash Chopra or an Ashitosh Gowarikar would even dare. And even if they did, they would not win the same accolades because the world abroad is a a biased place.Can you imagine a movie called SLUMDOG AMERICA madeby an Indian,making it big in the Oscar circuit and working its way up to getting some 10 nominations in the Academy??? I think we are still a nice 50 years away from something like that happening in this world.
That apart... I have not much positives to talk about this film and the filmmaker.There is really nothing different in this movie for it to be talked about so much. It has the same masala of puppy love, brothers separating to take the good and evil paths and love reigning supreme in the end...........it has BOLLYWOOD written all over...and every Indian has seen this story on the screen and pirated cds and dvds sometime in their lives.Now about the music.... well its good and nice but please... we have heard something closely similar in Khalnayak (just hear ringa ringa and compare it with choli ke peeche). And Rehman has done far better work in his life which did not get noticed earlier because he made it for Indians and for an Indian director.
I am more angry at the fact that a much much better and sensitive movie,Taare Zameen Par(TZP), lost out in the race much earlier because it was an Indian Khan and not an American Boyle who directed it. I bet by now all of you would have seen TZP and I am sure all of you ended up choked and moist eyed at the end of the movie.
Dear judges of the Academy,don't you think a movie which moves you so and makes you think twice before you scold your kid for not doing well in the exams deserves a tag of Oscar rather than some SLUMDOG running in shit to catch an autograph of Superstar Amitabh.I guess, its the slumdog attitude of the Academy of Motion Pictures which makes them appreciate David Boyle's work. They relate the slums and underdevelopment, poverty and cheating to India and when that is shown on the screen.........well, thats worth all the appreciation for them.
I really want your response to this thought. Please don't be silent readers of my blog and do leave a few comments -sweet, salt and bitter... all are welcome :)
Good one prashant.But i feel this movie is an handiwork of a typical hindi director and just to get international acclaim a" foriegn Hand" has been linked.I havent seen the film (not planning also)also the slumdog mentality of our public was evident when they asked for a ban on the film saying that it is an insult to slum dwellers or was this also made up to get further publicity.maybe i have become v cynical and started doubting everything.
Everything in our country is a controversy.Firstday they say terrorists have been gunned down next day press gives a completely different story. really frustrating to read the stories which make headlines in our news papers and compare it to the news in other countries.
good work prashant, we bloody indian are born slave to the white ever since and shall ever be (maybe) forever. well the way we cheat and digust and pull each others leg man i really don't wonder that some bastard make a move in a indian soil and get a price for it too.
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