Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where is world heading to?????

Today is different and so will be everyday from now on. I just woke up in the morning and went through the regular routine of picking up the paper from the balcony expecting to see the now routine headlines of sensex crashing and people being served pink slips in a few more sectors. But the sleep just vanished when I saw the headlines stating "WAR ON MUMBAI". I had slept a bit early and missed the main news of terrorist strike on the financial hub of India.
Just a bunch of 25 teenagers have created havoc and mayhem in the lives of all Indians. I don't know what is acheived by all this. Just more hatred, blodbath, sorrow and tears. Who gains???? The lives of these youth will be lost sooner or later, there are hundreds of families left in despair and the word "peace" has vanished from the lives of everyone in this country and fear looms large everywhere. Is this what we are born for? Isn't it more worthwhile to be born as an innocent animal who carries no hatred or weapons and the only thought on its mind is to get its share of food so that it can sleep in peace.
I guess the world was better in the stone ages....... at least, there was less hatred and fear then!
All that I can do for the innocents who perished in the last 2 days is pray that their souls rest in peace and their families get the courage to live through this unfortunate tragedy.


Unknown said...

Honestly, I AM SCARED. I was here when the bombs went off in the packed local trains, was here when Mumbai drowned in monsoon rains, but nothing was as scary as this one. Life had moved on then, as it always did, but this time seems to have stopped, its sacred and it is trembling, trying to make sense of what hit her, so hard and so near the heart. The sorrow is suffocating. The pain seems to rise from the heart and clutch the throat and tries to fiddle with the brain....all you see is red.
Tears well up in the eyes as I look at my little daughter playing unaware of what a dangerous world she is growing up into....where have we failed?

Anonymous said...

What happened in Mumbai was really tragic.Every minute we watched helplessly as our brave soldiers again put their life on the line for the rest of us. But it has finally woken up a population of more than a billion people from their slumber and age old philosophy of acceptance of whatever crap is thrown at them by anyone and everyone.This includes all those who invaded our land time and again to our present day politicians. But one question makes me uneasy. I wonder if there would have been the same impact if the fire had raged for three days in poorer quarters.Would our reaction have been the same ? the same outrage or would we have again settled with our chalta hai attitude....