Saturday, March 29, 2008

After the break...

I have been away a long time and to tell the truth it was partly laziness,partly some pending tasks and mostly lack of anything concrete to pen down.And today, I happened to read a beautiful blog of a cousin of mine and that sure charged me up to get back to playing with my thoughts.
The season has changed and in Mysore, where I currently live, I don't know what is making making the clouds push the sun away to grab undue attention. I guess nature is taking lessons from politicians now.But one season which never effects our clothing but brings almost everyone take notice of it in India is - cricket. And it surely is living up to its reputation. Sehwag scored... the media bored with their regular set of praises which is going to last till he is back to collecting ducks instead of runs on the field.
I don't know what it is with us Indians.......we have an explanation for everything that happens to be in the news....take cricket for example. I bet there must have been a million voices in thousands of channels, right from experts in the game to the so called astrologers..... and even the layman in the gali-nukkad talks ....having an opinion about why Sehwag didn't play well all these days and why he would from now on. No one wants to enjoy a moment and leave it at that ...... all are interested in putting their signatures at its bottom and claim it as their own.I guess thats what makes us INDIANS... we always are interested the letter "I " all the time. So what if Sehwag had a twist of fate and puts lots of hard work before he sweated out those runs.....after all "I told you so"...;)

Friday, March 7, 2008


Cricket is almost a religion in India and like so many things in the religion which you would like to change but you cant, I guess its the same with the Indian cricket. I really fail to understand all the hoo- haa that this game has generated for the last 2 days. I agree that it was an achievement to win against Australia in their home ground but does it solicit so much of attention that people throng the airports and gherao the roads to garland the team. It almost seemed like the cricket team had won a world war and come!!
There is a limit to which one can go to felicitate these crciket icons. In a country where we have a raging debate going on about the waiver of 60 thousand crores to farmers by the goverment, the cricket board shamelessly gave away 10 crores to the players,who are already minting millions through endorsements. Why doesn't this cricket board ever think of sharing their philanthropic ideas on something more important to the country, especially when we have a well known politican running the BCCI show.
Have you ever heard of such glorification and celebration being carried out in China, Russia or the other more athletic countries in this world, which take away pots of gold every time the Olympics are held. May be there lies the reason for our failing to make a mark in a lot of things....... we just carry things too far..... be it celebration or criticism....we just fail to maintain a balance!

Why this title?

Hi Everyone! ... Let me start by telling why I call this blog sweet, salt and bitter. Well the truth is i really didn' want to wrack my brains thinking of an attractive title for a blog and the first thing that came across my mind was to call it what i wished to write in the blog. This is going to sound cliche and boring but all i want to write is about my life and well I guess, its a mixture of something sweet, salt and many a times bitter and so ,what the heck, i called it that (and to my luck the title was available)!